Ever thought you could use some help for finding fonts that are just perfect for your Christmas memory documenting? How to find the perfect pair and make them work for your December album?
Today I’m going to share ten font pairings with you to add a little bit more interest to your Christmas scrapbook pages. And what’s better is that all of these fonts are available for free on the internet. Now, scroll down to find your perfect pair, download and use them this December!
1.Antrokas and Libre Baskerville Italic
2.Elsie and Roboto Thin
3.Alex Brush and Open Sans Regular
4. Harbell and Old Standard TT Regular
5.Balqis and Oswald Regular
6. Landliebe and Playfair Display Regular
7. Champignon and Montserrat Light
8. Lulo Clean Outline Bold and Lato Regular
9. Sensa Brush and Josefin Slab Semibold
10. Maratre and Crimson Text Regular
These are fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing them!!!! Happy Holidays!!
Thanks for sharing Elif! I like all the font styles and pairings!
I did not even know that Google had fonts for download so that was a nice discovery! Thanks for sharing your ideas and knowledge with us!
Beautiful examples, Elif. I love your clean, crisp style.
Thank you
I adore all your designs and appreciate you sharing these font pairings AND the links to the FREE fonts!!! You are the BEST!!!
Thank you very much! Love the examples and the fact that you linked to the free fonts!
Happy holidays to you and your family.
Thank you. These are lovely. Your newest Christmas kit is beautiful. Have a wonderful holiday!
Thanks you for this…. You are always so thoughtful.
Merry Christmas.