As the family memory keepers we are often the picture takers (or makers) and, all too often, not actually in any of the pictures. We are the narrators of our lives, but often forget to be part of the illustration. There are a number of ways I plan to accomplish this throughout the year and I am excited to be sharing some of those with you today.
1. Use your mirror
2. Use your self-timer
3.Use a remote trigger
There are Bluetooth enabled triggers for SLRs and even cell phone cameras. These can be surprisingly economical. The remote I used in this photo cost only $15 and actually attaches to my key ring so that I can carry it with me everywhere. What I appreciate about the remote is the spontaneity it allows to catch those candid moments.
4.Get creative
It doesn’t always have to be a portrait. Get creative. Take photos of your feet, your hands, or your eyes in the rear view mirror. Take photos of your shadow as you walk with your littles. The possibilities to be creative with all these little details of you are endless.
5.Ask for help
With so many people using their cell phone cameras nowadays, most people are more than willing to stop and take a photo of you if you just ask. Sometimes I find they are even thrilled that someone asked them and may even ask for the favor in return.
I hope this helped you get some ideas. Now let’s see some layouts with those photo of you in them.
Once you have a chance to read the article I’d love to hear your thoughts on the topic in the comments section below.
What are your struggles and wins when you try to include yourself in the picture?
These are great reminders. I need to find the remote shutter…it’s in this house somewhere. haha
One other thing I want to mention. Whenever you see someone pull out a cellphone to snap a photo of someone, or especially a group of people, and of course depending on the particular situation, it might be an appropriate time for a RAK. Offer to take the photo so everyone can be in the picture. From my experience, most often they will happily accept and thank you profusely.
Thanks for your tip! I definitely need to get more into the picture!