Hello, it’s Pepper here back with another article. This month I have been really excited to document my travel stories (while ditching my project life scrapbooking). Other than documenting them in my Traveler’s Notebook, I usually adopt a 6×8 album format for travel stories as it is an easy size to work in. If you are back from a summer vacation, or that you’re currently on a vacation, here are some possible stories that you might want to document when you’re back ! (or in your notebooks when you’re on the go)
#1 Document the food stories
Food is one of the many things I love to document the most. During my trip, I realized that Melbourne has really interesting menus as compared to Singapore. I love how the ingredients are all listed out in the name of the food item. In order to document the food we ate, I referenced the online menu of a cafe, copied them onto my journaling card in Photoshop and did some formatting. I love how it turns out here :)
#2 Let the ephemera tell the stories
The thing I enjoyed most when I look back at my travel albums are the bits and pieces collected throughout the trip. I especially love to collect business cards. Some are really simple while others can be really creative! This cafe shaped their business card into the letters and they are perfect here as embellishments. So choose a pretty background paper you like (those with subtle designs will be your best bet) and simply stick the business card over. Of course, you have the option to slide it into the pocket without sticking them down if you want to remove it in the future.
Other times I might not have enough space for the ephemera, so I tuck them in between two photos. Here is an example. Labels or circle elements are great for making your tabs.
I also included offcuts of items I bought home from my vacation. Here is one example from the coffee beans I bought.
#3 Document the relationship
There are lots of interactions among people whom you travel with or people you met during your travels. Jot down the conversations immediately or tell a story of how your friendship develops. Document those precious moments in your albums :)
I hope these ideas inspire you to document some of your travel stories. Thanks for stopping by! Till next month!